
歡迎來到理論與計算自旋電子學研究室!我們的研究聚焦在奈米尺度下自旋電子的傳輸行為,研究的題材包含:磁性穿隧接面中自旋選擇通道效應、新穎有機磁穿隧接面中的自旋傳輸特性、磁性記憶體的自旋力矩(spin torque)、全氧化物材料的磁傳輸特性。研究的方法的有第一原理計算(first-principles calculation)、非平衡格林函數方法(non-equilibrium Green’s function method, NEGF)、緊束縛模型(Tight-binding model)等等。計算模擬的部分,我們除了利用現有的軟體來計算,同時也開發新的演算法來計算第一原理下,材料的自旋力矩特性(詳見JunPy頁面)。傳輸理論的部分,我們利用緊束縛模型與NEGF方法建立異質接面材料的傳輸模型,並推導材料與自旋力矩的關聯。












Dual Control of Giant Field-like Spin Torque in Spin Filter Tunnel Junctions

We predict a giant field-like spin torque, T⊥, in spin-filter (SF) barrier tunnel junctions in sharp contrast to existing junctions based on nonmagnetic passive barriers. We demonstrate that T⊥ has linear bias behavior, is independent of the SF thickness, and has odd parity with respect to the SF’s exchange splitting. Thus, it can be selectively controlled via external bias or external magnetic field which gives rise to sign reversal of T⊥ via magnetic field switching. (閱讀全文…)

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Spin Transfer Properties of Amine-Ended Single-Molecule Magnetic Junction

We proposed the superior spin injection in amine-ended single-molecule magnetic junction (SMMJ) under stretching process, resulting from the strong hard-hard spinterfacial coupling between Co nanowire and amine linker. Furthermore, we predict anomalous magnetoresistance (MR) effect, including strain-induced sign reversal and bias-induced enhancement of MR value in amine-ended SMMJ with Co tip-like nanowire, which is in sharp contrast to normal MR effect in conventional magnetic tunnel junctions. (閱讀全文…)

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Manipulation of Giant Field-Like Spin Torque in Amine-Ended Single-Molecule Magnetic Junctions

We propose a comprehensive theoretical investigation for the angular, external bias and mechanical strain dependence of the giant field-like spin torque (FLST) effect for amine-ended Co/BDA/Co single-molecule magnetic junctions in the non-collinear magnetic configuration, by employing our newly developed nonequilibrium Green’s function method within the framework of density functional theory. (閱讀全文…)

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